Welcome To Your
College Concierge!
We’ve Helped More Than 7,300 Students
Get Into and comfortably Afford The College of Their
Dreams- And we can help Your Child Too.
I’m Peter ‘College Pete’ Ratzan, and I founded Your College Concierge in 2007 with the sole mission of proving that a great college experience could be both accessible and affordable… to every student… regardless of access (or lack thereof) to high school guidance, academic ability, income bracket, or nationality.
Since that time, we have personally helped thousands of young people – from nearly every state in the U.S. and multiple countries around the world – gain admission to one of their top-choice colleges with huge, five-figure institutional grants and scholarships that make going there affordable. YCC students consistently gain admission to their top schools AND enjoy $33,000 per year on average in scholarships and grants.
That’s because we treat college planning as a science. We are not ‘pretend’ experts. We’ve spent nearly two decades researching, testing, tweaking and improving our college planning process. The results speak for themself (see a sampling of our students’ stories), and have made us a sought after partner among some of the nation’s best private high schools and nonprofits alike.
I know that right now the whole college thing may seem daunting and fraught with challenges. You’re probably already starting to see the signs of stress in your kids as well.

Isn’t it amazing how quickly college mania
can take over the entire family’s life?
By 11th grade, your child will already have an impressive pile of ‘college literature’ – you know, perfectly designed, shiny, glossy pamphlets
showing bucolic landscapes, NCAA trophies, eager, good-looking, smiling faces from every conceivable race, ethnicity and background,
You know what else they’re gonna have?
A nervous breakdown.
We’d like to help you prevent that from happening. When you work with us, you get the kind of personalized and proven, high quality advice,
resources, tools and step-by-step guidance to ensure that your family’s journey to college is both successful and enjoyable.

Our Team
We have built a carefully curated team of high quality and experienced counselors from both inside college admissions and financial aid offices who specialize in all aspects of the student experience. We’ve personally worked closely with nearly every major University in the US and many abroad as well. And with YCC, your family is NEVER outsourced. Each one of our students and parents has direct access to our team, with absolutely no restriction to how many times we meet.
Our Results
All YCC students gain admission to one of their top three choices and the average scholarship offer they accept is $33,000 per year
Click here to view actual, real-life grants and scholarships accepted by YCC ‘graduates’.
Throughout the years, we have had students attend every Ivy League University, the US military academies, specialized, skill-related programs for top athletes and artists, every major public university, many so-called ‘baby Ivies’ such as Stanford University, Johns Hopkins University, MIT, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, Tufts, Amherst, Swarthmore, Northeastern, and most of the top 100 colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. We’re very proud to share with you a sampling of where the YCC Class of 2024 is heading this Fall:
American University, Arizona State University, Babson College, Bard College, Bard-Berlin, Bennington College, Cal Poly, Case Western Reserve University, Drew University, Eckerd College, Elon University, Emory University, Florida Atlantic University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida International University, Florida Southern, Florida State University, Fordham University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Indiana University, Kenyon College, Louisiana State University, Loyola Chicago, Michigan State University, Middlebury College, Muhlenberg College, New York University, North Park University, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, Nova Southeastern University, The Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Ole Miss, Penn State University, Princeton University, Rollins College, Sarah Lawrence College, Savannah College of Art & Design, Southern Methodist University, Stetson University, Tufts University, Tulane University, Union College, University of Alabama, University of Arizona, UCLA, University of California-Santa Barbara, University of Central Florida, University of Colorado, University of Denver, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Maryland, UMass-Amherst, University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Missouri, UNC-Chapel Hill, University of North Florida, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of Richmond, University of South Carolina, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, University of Washington, Ursinus College, Villanova University, Wake Forest

Now that the college decision has been made (WHEW!), we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude! We are so thankful that we had your expertise to guide us through the college admission process. You have been such a comfort to have in our corner! You truly made the whole process so much easier. Marcus is beyond excited to go to Fordham in NYC, and Gabe and I are so relieved that we don't have to spend our retirement funds to send him there!!! A total win! We will continue to highly recommend you to our friends!

We wanted to thank you so much for all the help you gave us throughout the college financial planning process. Your expertise and knowledge helped us with the challenges we encountered and we are so happy with the outcome. You helped us understand the process and helped us save thousands of dollars. Our daughter is now able to attend her dream school.

We are so grateful to Peter for his excellent guidance during this college application process. From the beginning when he helped us work with our son to select the colleges he wanted to apply to, to navigating the early decision questions, to ultimately drafting the actual essays and applications, Peter was always available and incredibly knowledgeable. But perhaps more importantly to us, Peter had a remarkable rapport with our son. He got to know my son, appreciated him for who he is, and ultimately helped him to craft an application that truly captured his personality – which in the end I feel made all the difference.

I hope you have been doing well. I’m delighted to share with you that I committed to Northeastern University as a combined Computer Science and Physics major! I couldn't thank you enough for your meaningful help and advice. I’m really thankful for my college application experience not only because it was well managed, but also that I learned how to write a compelling and truly unique essay. The advice you gave me for writing essays has been applied far beyond just college apps; it helped me succeed in AP Lang and sharpen my edge in communication. Having you as my college advisors was such a great experience. It was a pleasure to work with you and to learn from you.

I just want to thank you for making it possible to have the time for us today. In behalf of Sam, and Jay we appreciate your wise advises, and great recommendations. We all left your office with some hopes and enthusiasms regarding the adjustment our son is about to take. We really appreciate you, as a wonderful friend and a great adviser. God bless you, and your family. Thank you again.

My entire college selection and application process wouldn’t have been as successful without Peter’s help; I cannot thank him enough for all the advice. His vast experience, constant attention, and caring for my success exceeded my expectations. I would not have gotten nearly this far without Peter’s help. He helped me since the beginning and now, thanks to him, I am enrolled in Babson - one of my top choices - and was awarded one of the highest ranking scholarships!! I really cannot be happier with the results of this process. The countless meetings with Peter, stressful months, and hard work really paid off! I was extremely fortunate to have his help throughout the entire process!